Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 We obviously hadn't done enough or had enough of nature because after lunch we took our leave of our friends and headed to Warrawong. We decided to listen to the keepers talk.I remember when we looked after friends of ours spiney leaf insects and the male died. We were very concerned at having to tell our friend as they had chosen special names for their pets and obviously loved them(well as much as affection can be given to insects!)We needn't have worried because on their return our friends assured us this was the norm for this species ad they had been expectin it to happen any day.
native green tree frog
 We learned that truck drivers are given miniature aquariums so should they find they have carried one of these little creatures from their natural habitat on a bunch of bananas they can safely return it on their next trip. Supermarkets have also been given aquariums to do the same. So that species which are endangered and others that may become pests can be returned from wence they came!
stump lizard
murray carpet python

red kangaroo
 We learned from some British tourists that there are now wild wallabies in parts of England. They said they seem to have adapted fine to their colder environment. Interesting we think we are the ones with "intruders"!
native  wood ducks
help us identify this one ?
2nd koala of the day!

a great day!

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