Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gaudete (Joyous) Sunday and the Pope wears Pink!

This 3rd Sunday of Advent is  known as "Gaudete Sunday" (Gaudete meaning Latin  for "rejoice!"). It's the day on which we light the pink(rose) colored candle on the Advent wreath, and the day on which the priest wears pink/rose vestments for Mass.  This signals a moment of excitement in our Advent preparations; we have crossed over the halfway point of the Advent season and the nearness of Christ's presence brings with it the joy of expectation.

Original Video- More videos at TinyPic
                                                     this video is from our final violin concert of the year and labeled "reel of Joy" hence its place in this post

"As we light the third candle on our advent wreath we can:
Pray for the joy Christ's coming promises...
Pray for the joy that survives life's trials...
Pray for the joy the lonely thirst for...
Pray for the joy only peace can bring...
Pray for the joy that smiles even in grief...
Pray for the joy that is deep, not passing...
Pray for the joy that helps us see beyond the moment...
Pray for the joy only God can give us...
Pray for the joy others invite us to share...
Pray for the joy others wait for me to share...
Pray for the joy others wait to share with me..." (reference)

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