Friday, October 03, 2008

For My Aunty Therese

My Aunty Therese was taken home to glory early Thursday morning.
At last this sweet gentle soul is at peace and all the pain and discomforts of the last months have ceased.
I remember Aunty Therese on my youngest brothers wedding day. We had two toddlers with us who were having a hard time coping with the celebrations! My aunt quietly came and took their hands and asked if she could show them the garden. My two who would normally balked at leaving mum went trustingly and eagerly with this new friend.
Forward in time to our last trip to New Zealand as a family. We met my aunts in a beautiful park. Just as we were leaving Aunty Therese came up to me and took me aside,"Alison," she said." I didn't want to embarrass them by saying this in front of them(very sensitive to the emotions of teens) but I think your girls are just absolutely gorgeous."
I wish I had pictures of these memories that I could share but I don't so I will just add these two from "the family album"
The first of a considerate older sister looking after her two younger siblings and the second of a beautiful bride on her wedding day.
I am so glad to have the assurance that this woman of faith's life is not over and that as a Catholic I can continue to pray for her and ask her to pray for me.What a blessed assurance, what a marvelous hope for the eternity all believers will spend together with their loving Lord! Aunty Therese I feel privilaged to have known you !

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